Tag Archives: Bareos

Bacula or Bareos query for all backup copies of files in a directory

A customer gave me a vague description of where some files that he needed restored were, and also a vague timeline for when they needed to be restored from. I wanted to give him a list of all the files under a specific path and moreover all the dates from whence those files were backed up.

First ID the Path you care about:


Make note of the resulting PathIds. In my case the ones I care about are 16221 and 16220.

SELECT File.FileId, Path.Path, Filename.Name, Job.StartTime
INNER JOIN Path ON Path.PathId=File.PathId
INNER JOIN Filename ON File.FilenameId=Filename.FilenameId
INNER JOIN Job ON File.JobId=Job.JobId
OR File.PathID='16220';

Bareos/Bacula VMware backup part 2

Today I added the components that create a logfile and cleans up the working directory when done. The idea behind the logfile is that using the information in it a person with no knowledge about the original backup could use the files to create a running restore of the VM. I may someday create a restore script, but not today. The cleanup portion is not working 100%, but good enough that I will use the script in my production starting today. I will debug and fix it later. Here is the Bareos job log for my first full & successful running of the script/backup combo:

bareos-dir Job vmguest-FullImage.2013-10-21_16.02.35_06 waiting 50 seconds for scheduled start time.
bareos-dir shell command: run BeforeJob "/usr/lib/bareos/scripts/vmprep.py -v vmguest.domain.local"
bareos-dir BeforeJob: Found the VMX file and copied it to the backup location /mnt/vmbackup/
 BeforeJob: Successfully created a snapshot for your VM
 BeforeJob: successfully backed up /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/vmguest.domain.local/vmguest.domain.local.vmdk to the backup location /mnt/vmbackup/
 BeforeJob: successfully backed up /vmfs/volumes/550a2145-64112148/vmguest.domain.local/vmguest.domain.local_1.vmdk to the backup location /mnt/vmbackup/
 BeforeJob: I deleted the snapshot I took earlier, all is good.
 Start Backup JobId 226, Job=vmguest-FullImage.2013-10-21_16.02.35_06
 Using Device "FileStorage" to write.
bareos-sd Volume "VM0015" previously written, moving to end of data.
 Ready to append to end of Volume "VM0015" size=64551931043
bareos-sd User defined maximum volume capacity 107,374,182,400 exceeded on device "FileStorage" (/home/bareos/storage).
bareos-sd End of medium on Volume "VM0015" Bytes=107,374,157,986 Blocks=1,664,406 at 21-Oct-2013 16:23.
bareos-dir Created new Volume "VM0016" in catalog.
bareos-sd Labeled new Volume "VM0016" on device "FileStorage" (/home/bareos/storage).
 Wrote label to prelabeled Volume "VM0016" on device "FileStorage" (/home/bareos/storage)
 New volume "VM0016" mounted on device "FileStorage" (/home/bareos/storage) at 21-Oct-2013 16:23.
bareos-sd Elapsed time=00:17:42, Transfer rate=44.48 M Bytes/second
bareos-dir Bareos bareos-dir 12.4.4 (12Jun13):
 Build OS: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu redhat CentOS release 6.2 (Final)
 JobId: 226
 Job: vmguest-FullImage.2013-10-21_16.02.35_06
 Backup Level: Full
 Client: "bareos-fd" 12.4.4 (12Jun13) x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu,redhat,CentOS release 6.2 (Final)
 FileSet: "VM Image Backup NFS Folder" 2013-10-19 16:56:07
 Pool: "VMImage" (From command line)
 Catalog: "MyCatalog" (From Pool resource)
 Storage: "File" (From command line)
 Scheduled time: 21-Oct-2013 16:03:25
 Start time: 21-Oct-2013 16:07:24
 End time: 21-Oct-2013 16:25:08
 Elapsed time: 17 mins 44 secs
 Priority: 10
 FD Files Written: 7
 SD Files Written: 7
 FD Bytes Written: 47,245,718,876 (47.24 GB)
 SD Bytes Written: 47,245,719,792 (47.24 GB)
 Rate: 44403.9 KB/s
 Software Compression: None
 VSS: no
 Encryption: no
 Accurate: no
 Volume name(s): VM0015|VM0016
 Volume Session Id: 18
 Volume Session Time: 1382202217
 Last Volume Bytes: 4,458,527,606 (4.458 GB)
 Non-fatal FD errors: 0
 SD Errors: 0
 FD termination status: OK
 SD termination status: OK
 Termination: Backup OK
 shell command: run AfterJob "/usr/lib/bareos/scripts/vmprep.py -v vmguest.domain.local -p"
bareos-dir AfterJob: I couldn't find file /mnt/vmbackup/vmguest.domain.local.vmdk!
 AfterJob: You may want to look at /mnt/vmbackup/
 AfterJob: Cleaned out the backup location, ready for the next round.

Per the request below I’ve attached my vmprep.py script (rename vmprep.py.txt to vmprep.py). I’m not a programmer, so don’t hate me if it blows up your stuff.


VMware image backup with Bareos – More free backup

Bareos (Bacula if you like) does a great job of backing up files. In the event of a total meltdown I really would prefer the ability to restore an entire VM as opposed to rebuilding and installing agents prior to restore. Let’s see if I can make this work.


In the grand scheme, the server to be backed up will be localhost. The files will exist on an NFS volume accessible to both the VMware host VMkernel and localhost.

We will take a snapshot of the running VM, then copy the VMDK out to that NFS location using a run-before script. We will be able to put it in location predictable to Bareos and use the appropriate fileset definition to go out and grab that set of files for each job/vm. We will the use a run-after script to delete the snapshot and the backed up files out on that NFS.

To test how realistic this is at all I’m going to use a “junk” vm to copy a snapshotted VMDK and associated vmx file and try to see if I can get that portion up and running.

To create the snapshot in the busybox console:

vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.create 17 "bareos_backup" "Temporary snapshot for Backup system. This should not exist if a backup isn't currently running."

The ’17’ in that command references a vmid. That will have to be parsed using the command:

vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms

To be dealt with as I script it out.

I started the copy of my 40GB vmdk at 1:29PM…

off for coffee…

Done by 1:54PM, possibly sooner but I wasn’t looking. Now I’ll copy the vmx file and see if I can mangle it enough to make the thing boot.

— next morning —

The bad news is that I couldn’t get the copied disk to work easily. A bit of research learned me that I should have used vmkfstools to copy the snapshotted file, so I tried again that way. Here was my command:

vmkfstools -i
 source.vmdk /vmfs/volumes/dst_datastore/restoretest/restoretest.vmdk -d thin

After running that command and also copying the vmx file, I imported the vmx in the new location, removed the existing disk and added a new disk using the newly relocated vmdk – it booted. Another bonus came from using vmkfstools instead of cp, that being I was able to specify to create a thin disk on the destination end. This cut the copy time down to about 4:32 and I have a smaller file to backup. Now that I know the whole process is relatively possible, I’ll do the pre and post-job scripts in Python.

— next evening —

I spent the entire day creating the before backup job and am right now running my first end to end trial. The Bareos definitions read like this:

JobDefs {
  Name = "VM"
  Type = Backup
  Level = Full
  FileSet = "VM Image Backup NFS Folder"
  Storage = File
  Messages = Standard
  Priority = 10
  Pool = VMImage
Job {
  Name = "vmguest1-FullImage"
  JobDefs = "VM"
  Client = bacula-srv-fd
  Schedule = "Monthly-VMImage-vmguest1"
  RunBeforeJob = "/usr/lib/bareos/scripts/vmprep.py -v vmguest1.gsellc.local"
FileSet {
  Name = "VM Image Backup NFS Folder"
  Include {
    Options {
    signature = MD5
  File = "/mnt/vmbackup"

/mnt/vmbackup is an NFS mounted directory that both my ESXi hosts and my Bareos director can access. It’s the handoff point, ESX copies the VMDKs there, then Bareos picks them up and stuffs them onto backup media. The before-backup script identifies the VM we want to use, takes a snapshot then copies it to the staging location.

Unfortunately it would seem that Bareos likes to backup sparse files, not disk blocks. This means that while my test VM uses about 35 GB on disk, Bareos is transferring 160 (compressed) GB to tape, so the backup will take awhile. At the end of the day it takes the same amount of space on tape, it just increases the backup window.

I have yet to write the cleanup job that will delete the files, this is an important component and will be what I do next. As it stands, I have something that kind of works to polish and shine into something totally usable. The other big ToDo is I want to leave traces of what the backup is in the backup. Meaning I want to add a backup logfile that can be used at restore time to see what the guest’s name was, what ESX host it lived on, where it kept its VMDKs and all that. All of the information is already stored in the before job script, it just needs to be put together in a pretty file and left in the staging directory. I also am considering adding options for quiescing, but that is low on my priority list.

My first backup on my 160 GB test machine took just about 2 hours – a little more. It looks like in my environment my backups are going to take about 45-50 for each GB of ALLOCATED disk. I can tolerate this as I only plan on backing up whole VM images once a month or so, maybe once a week for VERY dynamic machines or machines that are less about data and more about application. I will not be relying on this as a substitute for traditional agent based backups.

I think that’s enough of a knowledge dump on this topic for 1 post. More to come.

Bareos and free open source backup for MSSQL

Here is my way. I’ve actually had this up and running for some time in another environment using SQL Server Standard 2008. I’m not in need of configuring a new backup for a 2012 SQL Express instance. There are a few parts, obviously. This article assumes you can configure a Bareos Windows client, if not there are plenty of other tutorials to help with that.

Part 1 is to create a sql command that will backup your databases to a file in the location of your choosing. I choose to keep all of my scripts as well as backup files in the same location so that if I ever have to restore I can figure out what it is exactly I did to get the backup working in the first place.

  • Launch SQL Server Management Studio (go get a cup of coffee while you wait for it to load)
  • Connect using whatever credentials give you some pretty hefty rights to the database or databases you want backed up.
  • Drill into the Database server, Databases menu items, then right click on the database you want to work with, select Tasks and Back Up…
  • The only thing you should have to change in the resulting dialogue is where you want it saved. The default will work fine, but as mentioned I recommend keeping backup scripts and backup files in 1 easy to find work area. For me it’s going to be nice and easy “c:\dbbackups”. There may be performance or capacity implications you’ll have to take to mind in your environment. Also if you do like me and create a folder at the root it’s a good idea to pair back the root permissions on that folder.
  • Don’t hit OK, that will back up your database, not necessarily what you want now. Tap the down arrow near the Script button at the top of the dialogue and choose “Script action to file”. For me I’m putting it in the folder mentioned before.

Step 2 is to create a script or batch file or something that Bareos can call to have the backup run. The file you execute should not complete until the backup file is created so that Bareos doesn’t try to backup the file until it exists. I believe Bareos even halts and “fails” the backup if the return status from the script is not 0, I’ll probably verify that later. Mine is a simple file that deletes yesterday’s backup then creates today’s backup:

erase "C:\dbbackup\*.bak"
sqlcmd -E -i "C:\dbbackup\backup.sql"

I could add more logic here, but it seems I don’t need to. This has been reliable for me in the past.

Next Step is to configure the backup FileSet, Job and Schedule. Here are what mine look like:

FileSet {
  Name = "c_dbbackups"
  Include {
    Options {
      Signature = MD5
      Drive Type = fixed
      IgnoreCase = yes
    File = c:/dbbackups
Job {
  Name = "hostname_db"
  Type = Backup
  FileSet = "c_dbbackups"
  Schedule = "NightlyFull_2000"
  Storage = File
  Messages = Standard
  Priority = 10
  Pool = Database
  Client = "hostname-fd"
  ClientRunBeforeJob = "c:/dbbackups/backup_db.cmd"
  Name = "NightlyFull_2000"
  Run = Level=Full sun-sat at 20:00

The obvious key component is the ClientRunBeforeJob directive in the Job definition. This makes sure to run the MS SQL backup prior to running the Bareos file backup.

I should mention the reason I’m doing Full nightly… obviously this method could be renamed cheapass backup. As such there is no interaction between the actual SQL backup and the file backup Bareos is performing. You could do a differential backup (and I have in other installations where bytes are more scarce and databases are bigger) but the actual differential part of it is done way back in step one when you’re creating the MSSQL backup script. If you do this I recommend backing up to a separate file in that same all encompassing directory, that way all the crap you need is there, the scripts, the full, and the diff. If you’re backing up a 500GB DB and you only have a couple T to store to… you’ll have to do something like this.

And then we test… Did you expect this error, I did?

ClientBeforeJob: The server principal "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" is not able to access the database "DATABASENAME" under the current security context.

So last step is we have to run that .CMD in a security context that has rights to backup the database. The easy solution is to go back into your SQL Server Management Studio, expand the DB server, Security, and Logins then right-click on NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM and open the properties dialogue. In there highlight Server Roles in the left pane then check sysadmin in the right pane.


After this you can login to BAT or bconsole or however you choose and test your job again.

Of course even if it appears to work, you should test your restores, which is a whole different ball of wax. If you’re lucky like me you have a test server that you can do your restore to since testing restores on a production MSSQL system is an absolute bear. Remember, if you haven’t tested restores, you don’t have backups!