Tag Archives: security

Stop brute force SSH attacks from filling your authlog OpenBSD

I run OpenBSD on Soekris devices and have yet in my life to have this proven to be a poor choice of hardware. For my builds I use flashrd. Part of the design of flashrd is that /var is built from scratch during each boot and is mounted as a memory filesystem:

# mount | grep /var
mfs:14425 on /var type mfs (asynchronous, local, nodev, nosuid, size=131072 512-blocks)

While this is a really cool way to do things it does limit the size of your /var filesystem. In my case – on this box is slightly less than 62 MB. Usually this is way more than adequate, but there have been times that the script kiddies have caused me grief by filling /var/authlog with failed ssh login attempts:

Jan 24 06:35:34 firewall sshd[29119]: Invalid user hscroot from
Jan 24 06:35:34 firewall sshd[29119]: input_userauth_request: invalid user hscroot [preauth]
Jan 24 06:35:34 firewall sshd[29119]: Failed password for invalid user hscroot from port 57894 ssh2
Jan 24 06:35:35 firewall sshd[29229]: Invalid user hscroot from
Jan 24 06:35:35 firewall sshd[29229]: input_userauth_request: invalid user hscroot [preauth]
Jan 24 06:35:35 firewall sshd[29119]: Connection closed by [preauth]
Jan 24 06:35:35 firewall sshd[29229]: Failed password for invalid user hscroot from port 48309 ssh2
Jan 24 06:35:35 firewall sshd[29229]: Connection closed by [preauth]

Once /var is full all sorts of weird things start happening. In my case the firewall would still pass traffic, but dhcpd quits working properly (most likely due to its inability to log and place leases in /var/db/dhcpd.leases) and slowly the hosts on the network relying on dhcp die of attrition as they can no longer renew their leases. It’s gotta be fixed…

The most secure way to go about things would be to close ssh to the outside world. In my case that isn’t really an option, there are times that I’m out of town and if the S hit the F I could potentially lose one of my multiple ways inside the network to fix things. SSH on the outside firewall may someday (albeit it hasn’t yet) become my last hope. My solution is not unique, but it isn’t so ununique that it’s not worth mentioning. It’s all handled inside OpenBSD’s pf.conf file:

1) Create a table to hold the abusers:

table <abuse> persist

2) Make an addendum to your ssh rule that will limit the rate at which connections are allowed. For connections exceeding that limit put the source address in your abuse table  using the overload directive. Make sure the scope of the rule is such that it won’t limit other types of connections and also make sure it’s far enough down in your ruleset that other rules won’t hijack your ssh traffic. In my case I used a maximum of 2 connections per 15 minutes. You may wish to loosen that up a bit in case you find yourself remotely connecting to that  box often. I’d also suggest making the scope of that rule such that it doesn’t apply to connections coming from trusted networks:

pass in on em2 inet proto tcp from any to (em2) port ssh flags S/SA keep state (max-src-conn-rate 2/15, overload <abuse> flush)

3) Block the abuse table at or near the bottom of your pf.conf. Make sure you don’t have any quick rules up higher that might override this rule. You could put it higher up and use a quick rule, but I like to keep quick out of my ruleset as much as I can just as a matter of preference.

block in from <abuse>

Of course once you’re done setting it all up reload pf:

# pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf

I setup this configuration about 18 hours ago (by necessity, not forward thinking) and have since seen some fun additions to the abuse table:

# pfctl -t abuse -T show

Yay it works.

This is just a rehash from the official OpenBSD PF documentation, but unfortunately the search term “block ssh brute force OpenBSD” won’t lead you there.

Adito Security Certificate – Pain in the butt, but possible

Adito (formerly OpenVPN-ALS) is an amazingly wonderful piece of software. Honestly I can’t figure out why more FOSS advocates don’t pick up the pieces of the project and continue to develop on it. I guess largely it does what it’s supposed to do and doesn’t need much in the way of updating, though it would be nice if the plugin repositories were still up and running and such.

That said, I run Adito in 3 locations. For 2 of my locations the self-signed server certificate Adito creates and installs during the setup wizard is adequate. For 1 location though I prefer to offer the appearance of a truly secure and trusted site.

I’ll start by sharing the links I had to visit and inquire with to make all this work in case my write-up falls short for anyone reading it:

Discussion Topic on Sourceforge page

Instructions and discussion – Import private key and certificate into Java Key Store from agentbob.info

Github page for importkey tool that I used

I perused many many other pages, but these 3 gave me all the parts I needed to complete my task.

The server tools you’ll need will be openssl and jdk which you’ll have as a prerequisite to adito.

My installation is performed on CentOS 6.3 with Java jdk 1.7.0 u13. If any of the command I tell you to issue below don’t work it’s probably because your path is broken to java binaries.

It helps to create a working directory on your server so that all your files are glommed together in one place and not mixed in with other junk. Before you finish there will be quite a collection.

Step one – create your private key and certificate request:

openssl req -out fqdn.csr -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout fqdn.key

As a sidenote, if you compare this documentation with that of the folks on the Sourceforge discussion bored you’ll see that I skipped one of their steps. I’m fairly certain the `openssl req -x509` business is unnecessary. If someone can prove me wrong please let me know and I’ll update this documentation to reflect that.

Step two – submit your CSR (fqdn.csr from above) to the company you wish to issue you a certificate, follow their instructions to get your 3rd party trusted cert. In my case I was provided with 3 certificates in return, the one signed against my CSR, an intermediate and a root. Making note of what they need bundled together to form a valid chain is going to be important, and it will be different for each company. Put your fqdn.crt, intermediate.crt and root.crt into your working folder.

Step three – Convert all of your PEM formatted .crt files into DER format:

for cert in fqdn.crt intermediate.crt root.crt; do openssl x509 -in $cert -inform PEM -out cert.der -outform DER; done

Step four – Convert your private key to DER format as well:

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in fqdn.key -inform PEM -out fqdn.key.der -outform DER

Step five – cat the certificates together. I’m not sure if order matters, but I did it from my cert back to the root and that worked:

cat fqdn.crt.der intermediate.crt.der root.crt.der > fqdn.bundle.crt.der

Step six – Copy the ImportKey.java source to your machine. You can just click on the link either here or from the agentbob.info link above and copy/paste the source into a text editor on your server. I had to make a change in the source (following the advice of somebody else who had a similar problem and posted the solution in the agentbob.info article’s comments) in order for the tool to work with chained/bundled certificates. I’ve created a diff to use to patch said source, you can also just copy and paste it into your text editor.

patch ImportKey.java ImportKey.java.diff

Step seven – Compile and run the ImportKey application:

javac ImportKey.java

java ImportKey fqdn.key.der fqdn.bundle.crt.der

Note that the resulting keystore file is going to be in your home directory, so if you’re running as root it will be /root/keystore.ImportKey. It has the alias “importkey” as well as the keystore password “importkey”; CHANGE IT:

Step eight – change the keystore password for your keystore:

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore /root/keystore.ImportKey -destkeystore importkey.jks

When running the above command you’ll be asked to issue the new keystore password – do it. It will eventually ask you for the source keystore password, as mentioned above that password is “importkey”.

If your adito server doesn’t have a web browser you need to get the file to a machine that does have a web browser, as it’s through the web interface that we’ll be importing the newly created keystore – do that now.

Step nine – rerun `ant install`from your adito installation directory, if your adito server is currently running, stop it:

cd /opt/adito0.9.1
/etc/init.d/adito stop
ant install

Step nine, part 2 – When you get to the bit about “Starting installation wizard……….Point your browser to http://aditoserver:28080″ do just that. There will be 2 screens to be concerned with:

Select “Import Existing Certificate” on the first screen.



Fill in all the pertinent information on the following screen. (ignore my typo please)

The remaining install screens should remember your settings from the prior install. If this is your first time running `ant install`, configure according to your needs.

When finished issue an adito start command:

/etc/init.d/adito start

And you should be finished. Open your adito site in a browser and verify your new certificate is installed and being presented.